Saturday, December 08, 2007

The ancient inscriptions of Sohiel Island. B 

The ancient inscriptions of Sohiel Island. B  

On the island of Sohiel, south of Aswan city in Egypt, there are more than 250 inscriptions incised on rocks and boulders. Most of the Hieroglyphic inscriptions date back to the Middle-kingdom and the New-kingdom, 1800-1400 B.C.
The one is displayed here dates back the reign of king Tutmoses III, the 18th dynasty which about 1400 B.C. The inscription is incised on a granite rock and represents the royal scribe, high-priest and vizier Amunhotep while burning incense as an offering to cartouche of king Tutmoses III. Copyrig ©Musegypt.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

The true significance of Hathor in the Egyptian creed and myth. B

The true significance of Hathor in the Egyptian creed and myth. B

Hathor the mother goddess who protects the newly born child for seven successive days until he/she becomes healthy and safe. The myth of the seven protective Hathors is often repeated in almost every birth-chapel and always ends with the seventh-day party where gods all are invited then Hathor would present her rattle-toy to the child. Modern Egyptians had inherited many of these traditions as they still to celebrate the seventh-day birth party and invites all families and neighbors, then the seven grain-seeds should be scattered on floor of the child's house. Also the rattle-toy is presented to the children. Probably the division of the week to be just seven days world wide is after Hathor patronage. The most charming figure for Hathor is the one that represent her melting with a woman face her triangular face, elongated eyes and ears next to a woman cheeks, chin and mouth. . Copyrig ©Musegypt.    

Saturday, December 01, 2007

The true significance of Hathor in the Egyptian creed and myth. A

Goddess Hathor.Abu Simble Temple,1200 B.C.

King Narmer tablet" a cast carved by Yasser Kamel,black marble.

The true significance of Hathor in the Egyptian creed and myth. A

Hathor the cow-goddess is among the oldest gods in the Egyptian pantheon. Hathor also was one of the most popular goddesses there as she played the role of the holy mother and the wife for many of the ancient triads of deities. Hathor also was the perfect force that "Ra" had required in order to maintain balance between his flaming heat" skhmet" the urging power of the heat and the gentle force of appeasing "Hathor". Indeed the Egyptian myth describes both of the goddesses Hathor and Sekhmet to be the Yen and Yang. Goddess Hathor had to carry" Ra" the sun god out of the "Nun" the water as he sunk into it in order to appease its energy once he established the basic creation. Hathor the Egyptian Yen-force also had signified for the welfare, the prosperity, the wealth, the harmony and the unity. We can observe that powerful meaning in Predynastic and the archaic tablets that describe the unification trials in ancient Egypt and specifically the one belongs to king's Narmer 3200 B.C.
Starting from the Old-kingdom, 2878 B.C Hathor had become to represent the love, the joy and the maternity. Further on, Hathor was seen representing mainly the joy, the fun, the drunkenness and the fertility. The Bible and the Quraan brought us a very similar historical tale about an ancient Egyptian king and Joseph the prophet and it mentions the king in Egypt to suffer form a successive scary visions and he panicked then asked for counseling the dream-interpreters he had and none of them could help then they released Joseph from his prison and had been able to advise the king of Egypt. The king in his dream could see seven lean cows fierce and eat seven fat cows. According to Joseph's interpretation "Egypt should expect seven years of drought and dearth where the Nile would never flood" So the Hathors will be eaten and there will be no prosperity or welfare. Copyrig ©Musegypt. 2006

Saturday, November 03, 2007

 ギリシャローマ博物館、愛 の 女神

 ギリシャローマ博物館、愛 の 女神

アリキサンドリア の ゆめい な ギリシャローマ博物館 で いろいろ な いぶつ が てんじされました。
あそこに ビーナス の いち ばん きれい な ぞう が あります。そのぞう は だいりせき が つくられた。そのぞう は だいニ せいき あった、ビーナス と クピードを しめされています。古代ローマ 神話 に ビーナス 女神 と クピード 神 は 愛 の 神 でした。Copyrig ©Musegypt. 2006


Saturday, October 27, 2007

The ancient inscriptions of Sohiel Island. A  

The ancient inscriptions of Sohiel Island. A  

On the island of Sohiel, south of Aswan city in Egypt, there are more than 250 inscriptions incised on rocks and boulders. Most of the Hieroglyphic inscriptions date back to the Middle-kingdom and the New-kingdom, 1800-1400 B.C.
The one is displayed here dates back the reign of king Ramsess II, the 19th dynasty which about 1200-1300 B.C. The inscription is incised on a granite rock and represents king Ramsess II while presenting to his father-god, khnum and both of the goddesses Satet and Anket the Erap-wine jars. The text informs us about having one of the royal princes appointed in both of Kush and Nubia as a viceroy also it mentions the name Aye who was a royal scribe and wrote that text. . Copyrig ©Musegypt. 2006

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Ramsess The Great adds a lot more of glory to Luxor Temple.

Luxor temple facade and gate.

A carving represents the exterior of Luxor temple with its full facade and obelisks,1300 B.C

A huge bull for sacrifice led by the ancient Egyptians to Luxor temple.

Ramsess The Great adds a lot more of glory to Luxor Temple.
Luxor temple is one of the most charming and impressive temples in all over Egypt generally and in Luxor city specifically. Luxor Temple was founded by the great faithful pharaoh to Amun, king Amunhotep III or Amenophis III and it dates back to the 18th dynasty which is about 1400 B.C. King Amunhotep III established the whole interior of the temple including the holy of the holies, the vestibules ,the open-court and the inner pylon. The temple was dedicated mainly for god Amun-Ra's cult and for celebrating the Opet feasts "the marriage feast" of Amun-Ra. The feast was held and arranged by the clergies of both temples and the royal family. The ram-headed sphinxes avenue, three kilometers long, which is the one connects Luxor temple with the Grand Karnak temple used to be crowded with flag boles, priests and sacrifices. The temple of Luxor was completed and finished by king Ramsess II who created the exterior of the temple and carved on its first pylon his great victory over the Hittites and their allies, that fierce war which started ages ago had brought Egypt a lot more of honour and dignity. The battle of Qadish, in Syria had given Ramsess II the whole prestigious image he aimed at. Luxor Temple was provided with two giant obelisks , gigantic pair of seated statues of king Ramsess II and four of his free-standing statues in order to commemorate his great victory in Qadish and to dignify his father Amun in Luxor temple. Copyrig ©Musegypt. 2006

Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Magnificent approach to Abu Simble on board of Prince Abbas cruise-ship.

Photo by Ali Zenhom The Magnificent approach to Abu Simble on board of Prince Abbas cruise-ship.

Cairo Museum, the most fascinating collection of ancient fans.

Cairo Museum, the most fascinating collection of ancient fans.

Ancient Egyptians had left behind the oldest fans so ever, and that is due to the hot climate in ancient Egypt. Cairo Museum keeps a large amount of fans that belong to different ages. No doubt having a fan was so essential to most of ancient Egyptians as their tombs were filled with very rich belongings and enough sets of fans. The most ancient fans, generally, had their design inspired from Ra the sun-god, and its rising semi disc as mostly they have semi circular shape. Fan-bearers indeed were so important even they included by almost every funeral scene. King Tutankhamun's collection of fans never fails to astonish all its visitors but the most unique is still to be his swinging fan. The unique swinging fan is made of ivory, ostrich feathers, gold and precious stones. Its ivory handle was brought from a massive elephant tusk, its pure golden spike which controls the swinging is so pure and still to be hard and the well preserved ostrich feathers while been older than 3000 years. Copyrig ©Musegypt. 2006

Thursday, September 06, 2007

イジプト の 敵国.B

イジプト の 敵国.B

昔、昔、イジプト の さばく で 沢山 しゅぞく が いました。西 さばく と 東 さばくと シナイはんとう も きょうもう な せんそう が おこりました。シナイはんとう で ヘクスース しゅぞく は しんりゃくを しました。ヘクスース 人 の 内地、まだ ななし です。ヘクスス の しゅぞく は ナイル 川 の デルタ で せんじゅう を しました。それから、ヘクスース の 王 は イジプト の きた で 200 年 凡そ 支配しました。クスース人 は 馬 を もらて、しかし、イジプト は 馬 を まだ 知りませんでした。きた イジプト で ヘクスース 人 は バール 神 を もらいまた。ヘクスース の 神 は セット 神 は るいけい でした。時 に は セット 神 は だいきらい でした。Copyrig ©Musegypt. 2006      

Monday, August 06, 2007

Cairo Museum, Man in Egypt had known farming and agriculture since prehistoric eras.

A unique sycamore sickle with a flint blade

A sycamore- hoe with a flint blade

Cairo Museum, Man in Egypt had known farming and agriculture since prehistoric eras.
Cairo Museum unique collection of pre-historic Egypt artifacts contains almost complete sets of farmer's equipments and tools. The pre-historic, the pre-dynastic and the archaic history of Egypt are reach with varieties of farmers belongings include baskets, jars, mats, wooden-hoes and sickles.
Doubtless the river Nile had a great influence on life of ancient Egyptian farmers and their settlement, the inundation flood which helped in spreading the silt and the water equally were the best motivation to create their agricultural settlements. Cairo museum displays a unique sycamore sickle with a flint blade; the blade was attached to sickle with a kind an adhesive material. Also a sycamore- hoe with a flint blade, both date back to the pre-dynastic end and the start of the archaic which is around 3200-3000 B.C.
Copyrig ©Musegypt.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Museumegypt.ONE YEAR OLD

Museumegypt.ONE YEAR OLD
I hope that Museumegypt did meet expectation of it's visitors.
Yasser Kamel

The Tomb of Ramose and the change to monotheism

The vizier Ramose and his wife Merry ptah

The offering bearers and the servants are transferring his funeral belongings.   

The wailers and the mourners in Ramose's funeral procession .

The Tomb of Ramose and the change to monotheism
No doubt that Akhenaton's concept of monotheism was so unique. But the concept of calling one god and only one above all Egyptian gods and forcing it to surpass and prevail was not tolerated by the ancient Egyptians. The conversion to the oneness was so rapid and immediate and due to that the Egyptian welfare and economy had to face a disaster. The temples of the rest of gods which Akhenaton had sealed and abandoned, it's clergy ,farmers and workmen had become homeless and miserable. The Atonnism had strange principles and most probably with foreign origin .The god who begets not nor was he begotten, the unbodied god , the equality between all of the followers, and the nature of god Aton who is described to be an invisible being and just served with intangibles. Ramas or Ramose the vizier of Akhenaton who was still in charge during the transition period and before the Atonnism to be spread within the royalties. The name Ramas means the child of Ra, his tomb is the most unique among the ones that represent the shifting towards the monotheism. Ramose lived during the reign of Akhenaton which is around 1400-1300 B.C. He was a High-priest for Amun-Ra" the supreme god in Egypt" a royal scribe and a nobleman. Copyrig ©Musegypt. 2006

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Dancers of Nakht

The oldest female musical band

The Egyptian aristocratic class

The Dancers of Nakht
The west bank of Luxor city has a great amount of antiquities that stretches to cover the whole Theban necropolis. Among the most attractive sites on the west bank is the cemetery of the Nobles. There where always visitors get astonished of seeing the splendid colours and scenes of daily life of ancient Egyptians. The Tombs of the Nobles were always the most accurate source of knowledge about life of Egyptians in the deep past. The fabulous tomb of Nakht is a good sample to those tombs. Nakht was a high-official and a royal scribe. Nakht, most probably, lived during the reign of king Thutmosis IV in the 18th dynasty which is around 1400 B.C.
The scenes of the tomb represent the Egyptian aristocratic class in their daily life; it shows their parties, entertainment, make ups, and outfits also it has a unique scene of a female musical band which has a Harpist, a flute player and a violin player. This is almost the oldest female musical band been heard of. Copyrig ©Musegypt. 2006     

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

ギザ は クフ王 の 箱船

太陽 箱船 の 本当 の さく

ギザ は クフ王 の 箱船

1954 年 に ギザ の さばく で 一 番 古 くて 大きい 箱船 が  発見されました。その 箱船 は クフ王 の  きぞく は でした。クフ王 の 箱船 は 第四 王朝 の 時代 は 凡そ、4600年 でした。クフ ピラミッド の 南がわ は たて穴 に ありました。クフ王 の 箱船、また、古代 シリア王国 の すぎざい が 建てられました。その 箱船 は 44.5 メテル 長さ、また、ぎしきよう でした。死者 の 書 によって クフ王 の 箱船 は 太陽 神 の 箱船 同じ です。 Copyrig ©Musegypt. 2006   

Saturday, June 02, 2007

The Egyptian Museum, the funeral Labels. A

Painted by Yasser kamel

The Egyptian Museum, the funeral Labels. A

The archaic history in Egypt is featured with its sophisticated belongings. The Thini-kings of first and the second dynasties who had located their tombs mainly at Abydus are included by the Archaic Period, 3200 -3000 B.C. The most outstanding finds of those kings are the funeral labels. The funeral labels were always made out of hard materials such as ivory or stone in order to last for long, their main function according to the Egyptian creeds was to ascertain the possession of the objects that they were attached to, in addition to that, they were also incised with inscriptions that brief the status of the country or commemorate a victory or a battle. The ivory label that is shown here is a good sample to the collection we have in the Egyptian museum or the British museum or the louver museum. This label dates back to the reign of the archaic/thini king Djer, 3200-3100 B.C; the label has three registers of inscriptions. In the first register, from the right the nisu sign appears to refer to the southern origin of the king then below of it appears a sign of a land or a field which had become afterwards to represent the nomes or provinces, then further down you can see a scene of surgery is the oldest been found obviously we can see a surgeon with a blade or spatula is executing an immediate Tracheotomy. This surgery is believed to be practiced in Archaic Egypt. Also we can see a flag-bearer, then two bearers one caries a bird " a vulture" while the other man bears a cat-fish, then the sign mes or mas appears above the two bearers possibly to refer to the royal title "the child of the vulture "Nakhbet" or the cat-fish goddess or both". Then just beside them there is another man who bears a mummy which seems to be a royal one and followed by another man who caries a flag-pole while heading to a structure in the form of the Serkh with Horus the falcon god right above which emphasizes a funeral that is heading to the grave. The middle register shows from the right, two seated human figures or statues for royal ones with lotus-flower head dress, then some signs of birds also a man seems to arrange some round items in front of a duck which emphasizes the idea of domesticating it or breeding it or feeding it. Then we see two last symbol-bearers one has the Serkh then the other has a stand with a figure of a bull which signs for the victory and the Heb-Sed and one more birth sign. The third one has a lot to do with the environment and Egypt nature as it shows the Nile-river, birds, fish "probably the Nile-Perch", plant "most probably a sugar-cane" and a drowned man. We only come to one specific conclusion that the ancients of Egypt even at the archaic era were a lot more civilized than we ever thought, they also were aware of the importance of recording their history and their knowledge . Copyrig ©Musegypt. 2006.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Ancient Egypt, the oldest training wooden-sword

The Egyptian wooden-training sword of king Tutankhamun.

The Egyptian fighting-sword of king Tutankhamun.

Ancient Egypt had developed its martial art techniques to include a wooden training sword. Ancient Egyptians had invented the first Buken long time ago before China or Japan. The actual fighting -sword that had been used in Egypt had something to do with the scimitar swords meanwhile it doesn't fit to any of the well known scimitar types. As a matter of fact, the techniques of use relate to that Egyptian sword are still to be unknown. The Egyptian Museum has an interesting number of the wooden-training sword; the most famous in the whole collection are the wooden-training swords of king Tutankhamun which belong to the 18th dynasty which is around 1400 B.C. Copyrig ©Museumegypt. 2006.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

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Monday, May 21, 2007

NOUT, The Sky-goddess .

Nout is one of the most outstanding goddesses that are included by the Ennead of Heliopolis. The pantheon of gods which represents these nine members, was created in the Egyptian creeds since 4000 B.C at least. The Ennead consists of a supreme God who is Atum ,in addition to four main gods and their consorts. Geb, the Earth-god, Nout, the Sky-goddess, Shu, the Air- god and Tefnut, the Water-goddess were representing the main natural elements of the Egyptian cosmogony meanwhile, Atum or Ra was representing the positive energy, the sun, the light and the ultimate power of creation and everlasting. The title Nout in the Hieroglyphs includes the determinative for liquids or water which is pronounced Nu and has the shape of a pot. The hieroglyphic components of the name emphasize that Nout is the source of water which means that she is mother of the water-goddess Tefnout.
The myth describes goddess Nout to  have a shape of a woman with an elongated body that enables her to stretch to surround and reach earth ends with her tiptoes and fingers. Also the ancients believed that she swallows the sun at sun set then gives birth to it with next sun-rise so always the sun  will be reborn. Copyrig © 2006

Osiris, the one who has no second

Osiris is the most unique god that the Egyptian myth describes. Osiris who has a human origin had become a status that every being should get to it in order to reach the immortality or to be reborn. Book of the dead describes every dead to turn to Osiris even Ra the sun-god and the ultimate force of life is also getting to the Osiris status. Osiris who has no second is one of his titles which mean that he is the final transformation for the dead before the rebirth. Ra rests or stays in place or status of Osiris .Osiris stays in Ra, that what is text telling. This picture is from the tomb of queen Nefertari, Luxor city,1300 B.C. Copyrig © 2006.

Monday, May 14, 2007

ルクスル 神殿 で さいご の ばんさん

ルクスル 神殿 で さいご の ばんさん

今 から ルクスル 神殿 は 3500年 でした。 
18 王朝 の  有名 な 王様  アメンホトプ 三 世 ルクスル 神殿  の うちがわ を 建てました。でも, ぜんめん  の 神殿 は ラメセス 二世 の 19 王朝 が 建てました。ルクスル 神殿 の 一番 さいきん な 堀り出し物 は さいご の ばんさん の 場面 です。その 場面 は 一番 古く聖像 の ばんさん が あります。全体 に せいき で ルクスル 神殿 は  きょうかい に なりました。 

Thursday, May 03, 2007

イジプト の 敵国。A


テヘヌ の しゅぞく 

テメフ の しゅぞく

古代 イジプト で たくさん せんそう が おこりました。古代イジプト の 一番 古く せんそうは 
リビア 人 の しんりゃく、テメフ のしゅぞくと テヘヌ の しゅぞく でし。その しんりゃく は 凡そ  4000年 前 紀元前 、先王国時代 で おこりました。しんりゃく の あと は おおい リビア 人 ふりょ が いました。カイロ博物館 に リビア の テヘヌ の タブレット が あって。その タブレット の リリーフ は うしごや や ろば や やぎ が 見せる。リリーフ も オリブき と しゅぞく の つえ が 見 る。Copyrig © 2006     

Monday, April 30, 2007

死者 の 書 に亀 の 印 は 何 です か。

 大英博物館 で まれ な かめ の 座像 が あります。 ダヌダラ 神殿 も 面白く 場面の 亀 が ある。その リリーフに 亀 は セット 神 と 悪魔 を 合わせて、王様 は 亀 を しさつ だから。全体 に セット 神 は 色々 の 動物 に 変化 を している。 

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Eye Of Horus

The eye of Horus is the most powerful amulet been found in ancient Egypt and that is according to Book of the Dead and the funeral texts in general.
Cairo museum priceless collections have countless numbers of the eye of Horus or the UJAT; some are made of gold or metal and some of stone or terracotta. The ancient tale of Osiris and Seth describes Horus due to war against Seth he lost his left eye and therefore a new eye was medically transplanted by Thot the medical god then was named after Horus. In the Hieroglyphs the eye of Horus started to have more meanings such as protection, reincarnation, transformation and rebirthing. The eye of Horus was often carved on the outsides of coffins and sarcophagi to be the eye of the dead to find his way in the underworld. The eye of Horus once it in a pair represented the Yen and Yang even before China.Copyrig © 2006

Art in ancient Egypt ! My T.V talk today! I hope you find it enjoyable!💙💙💙

Art in ancient Egypt ! My T.V talk today! I hope you find it enjoyable!