Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Ancient Egyptian Boomerangs

Since the Egyptian Pre-Historic eras which is around 4000 B.C, the ancients had used different types of hunting and fighting wands. Surprisingly, the Egyptian museum has the oldest discovered boomerangs on earth, the most complete collection is the one which had been discovered in Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922, and the tomb was discovered by Howard Carter. King Tutankhamun's collection "1300 B.C"at Cairo Museum has various types of boomerangs with multiple functions. Also the magnificent relieves at Queen Hatshepsuit mortuary temple"1400 B.C" represent her soldiers while being hunting in some of punt's jungles "Somalia " and some of them were using their wands.

Copyrig © 2006.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


The great Sphinex and The Pyramids.Painted by Yasser Kamel

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR To all my friends and wish them the best for the year 2007.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

イジプト の 神話 に 蝙蝠 の 印 は 何 ですか。

古代 イジプト の 神話 に オシリス 神 と セット 神、ふたつ は きょうだい でした。昔昔、オシリス は 命 の 神様、また とても にんきもの でした。しかし、セット は 悪 の 神 でした。それから、セッと は オシリス を さつ を  しました。あとで、セット は 蝙蝠 に うまれかわり を しました。それから、ラー の 太陽 神様 に 蝙蝠 は てき に なりました。あとで 彼 は ひるま 何時も てつ を します。蝙蝠 の 名前 は 象形文字 で ダーギー です。    Copyrig © 2006.        

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

 古代 イジプト の 神話 に、 蜂 の 印 は 何 でしたか。

象形文字 で 蜂 の 名前 は ビイチイ でした。古代 イジプト の 神話
に 蜂 は 太陽 神 様 の とも ですくて、蜂 も 蓮 と 朝顔 を 匂う、蜂 は 象形文字 で ごい は 王 です。それから、蓮 の 匂うこと は うまれかわり が 印 を しました。古代 イジプト の 墓 沢山 だとう な 蜂蜜 の かめ が 発見 されました。     Copyrig © 2006.

Photo by:
Larry Crowhurst/Oxford Scientific Films

Thursday, November 30, 2006

The great pyramids, The only text is found.

As far as we know about the subject of the great pyramids, the three great ones were cased and covered with carvings and Hieroglyphs and this information was brought to us by ancient travelers from Greece and the neighborhood. Nothing survived from the carvings except the one found on the exterior of the pyramid of king Mycerinus or Menkawra which is around 2600 B.C. That text is incised on rid granite and mentions the date the kind died on it, in addition to some praises and epitaphs. The text determines the death of the king to be on the twenty third day of the third month in winter season" Pert "and wishes for the king a divine burial and the starting of the text is damaged in a way that we miss the chance to read the year count for the reign of the king ,then the text includes the cartouche of king Menkawra.

Copyrig © 2006.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


It is all about sculpture and art.I have my own Artwork presented here and I welcome any comments. yasser kamel

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Cairo Museum . Akhenaton's belongings.

Among the scattered objects at Cairo museum's garden is a sarcophagus without any information or a sign. That granite sarcophagus is a repaired one with carvings and relieves represents the Amarna style of art and also has five royal names. While being the sarcophagus badly destroyed , these five names still to be read, from left to right, Nefertiti, Akhenaton "two names", Meryetaton and Meketaton. Also we can see Aton spreads its rays to protect the royal family cartouches.
Copyrig © 2006.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Photo by Ian Cashmore

This carving is found at the sanctuary of Kalabesha temple and represents goddess Hathor while transformed to a lioness. This is a part of the ancient legend of mankind destruction ,once the mankind showed no obedience and respect to their god Ra and stopped praying to him as they dared to mock at Ra describing him to be old and criticizing his senility so the god decided to bearish the human race and to turn their life to misery and sorrow so he kept Hathor away from their life so they missed the joy ,happiness , fun and love then he mutated her to an ugly lioness that was left free to punish and to curse their whole life so they had grief in stead of happiness poverty instead of prosperity and that was for long time until almost the human race was about to vanish ,then the god had felt mercy and stopped that curse.


Photos by Ian Cashmore.

This picture is from the magnificent temple of Ramasses III on the west bank of Luxor city and it dates back to the 20th dynasty which is around 1100 BC. This carving represents the sacred boat of god Amun-Ra while mounted on it's palanquin at one of the station-chapels of Madinat Habu temple and this carving is found repeated at both of the open courts of the same temple. The sacred boat of Amun-Ra which is seen here was used by the god to visit the underworld at the west. The visit of Amun-Ra to the west had its special ceremonies which covers a month, that feast was called the ancient Egyptians the feast of the valley. The journey starts at the Karnak temple, east bank where the royal family and thier procession should start, and then they cross the Nile to spend the whole month at Madinat Habu temple. In the myth Amun-Ra transforms it physical shape from a ram and a human to a mere sun-disc "Aton" which means in the hieroglyphic the disc of the sun. Also it should be mentioned that the title Aton was found in the old kingdom, a long time before Akhenaton and his oneness.

Monday, November 20, 2006

古代イジプト の 神話 に、蜥蜴 の 印 は 何 です か?

古代イジプト の 神話 に、蜥蜴 の 印 は 何 です か?


 古代 イジプト の 象形文字 で トカゲ の  ごい は 沢山 でしたね。古代 イジプト 神話 に も

蜥蜴 は いつも、アンク゛命 の 鍵 を 持って、すして、死者 に 命 を 上げます。 


Saturday, November 11, 2006

Survey Form

Sunday, November 05, 2006

古代 イジプト の  木剣

カイロ の 博物館 に とても すばらしい ぶっけん が あります。その ぶっけん は とても 古くて、 じつようてき きだち です。こだい イジプト人 は 剣道  は 器用 な 人々 でした。1922年 に ルクスル で  ツタンクアメン 
 王 の 墓 が 発見された、今、カイロ の 博物館 に  ツタンクアムン王 の きちょう品  は 十一 万 の ぶっけん が あります。全体 に カイロ の 博物館 に たくさん の 古代 イジプト の 木剣 が あり、一番  有名 な 木剣 は ツタンクアメン 王、1400年、 紀元前 でした。            

ツタンクアメン王  の 木剣

ツタンクアメン王  の 剣 

日本 の 木剣 

本当 の 刀

Copyrig © 2006.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Join the Mailing List

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Friday, November 03, 2006


古代イジプトじん は 3000 紀元前年前に 蟷螂 に 礼拝しました。蟷螂 神 は 象刑文字で 名前 は イビヤト です。古代イジプト の 死者の書 に 蟷螂 聖 な 昆虫 です。古代 人 は 蟷螂神様 は 死者 を オシレス の 島 に きょうど を すること が 信じりました。蟷螂 の 変形 と だっぴの こと は 々、うまれかわり が 信じりられた。蟷螂 の 事 は イジプト から 全部 アフリカ  の 神話 から 中国 の 神話 から アラビア の 神話 まだ かかりました。

Copyrig © 2006.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Cruising Lake Nasser on board of Prince AbbasPart A

Among my best trips ever, within the Egyptian historical lands, was a trip to the Nubian Desert identified as The Golden Nile. It included all of the fantastic temples that Egypt built about three and half thousand years ago for the use of the ancient Egyptians and the Nubian tribes who were passing our borders .The nations so often called "Nubians " were bordering our southern provinces a lot of them were from north of Sudan or lower Nubia .The massive Egyptian desert between Egypt and Sudan had some famous routs of trade and the Nubians were dealers and suppliers of African goods and specially gold, therefore they had the title Nebu which means in the hieroglyphics the ones of gold. Lower Nubians and ancient Egyptians had always mutual relation in too many aspects including commerce and defense while middle and upper or southern Nubians in our intermediate periods started to be competitors. Generally the history of Nubia describes the Nubians to struggle against the wild nature, the droughts, the no unity and the continuous raiding and sacking between the Nubian tribes. Nubians generally had never created agricultural societies and were mostly gatherers and hunters. The earliest finds from Nubia is from its pre-historic or cave-people around 3000 BC and from some nomadic settlements who had a great interaction with the Egyptian civilization.

A Nubian as shown in the Egyptian carvings.

In the year 1960, the Egyptian government started to build it's new dam to fit with needs of the Egyptian industry and the sudden increase of the population .The cooperation between Ussr and Egypt resulted having the High-Dam built .The High-Dam is 111 m high from the bed of the river Nile, 3500 m in length and 1000 m in width, therefore it was counted the biggest dam ever been built during the sixties. Due to building the massive dam on the southern borders of Egypt an enormous lake was founded. Lake Nasser stretched between Egypt and Sudan with 500 km in length, 50 km in width and 60 m in depth. Nasser Lake which was created artificially was the reason beyond the rescue campaign launched by the unisco in the early sixties. The rescue campaign was a response to the call of Egyptian and Non-Egyptian archeological organizations and in some few years more than thirty countries worked together to save 22 ancient temples south dam from the reach of the lake. Unfortunately time did not permit saving them all so five were left behind.

The High-Dam memorial.

In less than a decade, the unisco succeeded to rescue and transfer 17 temples northward to their original location then had it all assembled in four sites which are Abu Simble, Amada, Wadi el seboa and Qaser Ibrim. Once the whole campaign succeeded, Egypt had another travel attraction added to its unique treasures. By the end of the eighties, Lake Nasser had started to catch the attention of archeologists, Egyptologists, Bird-watchers and environmentally concerned travelers. Due to uniqueness of nature in and around the lake ,it witnessed too many fishing competition as lake Nasser species of fish are extraordinary with their size "Nile – Perch can grow to 70 kg per fish" as well as giant Nile - crocodiles more than 8 m long are found. The actual reason behind the unusual size and fast growth that represent Lake Nasser creatures refer to the rich deposits of silt and minerals which is annually enhanced per each flood.

Cruising Lake Nasser on board of Prince Abbas Part .B

Sailing lake Nasser on board of Prince Abbass is the most enjoyable way to reach these temples . Prince Abbass is one of the most famous cruise-ships in lake Nasser and among the best ones in Egypt. This massive cruise- ship has unique features as it has larger cabins than other lake cruisers and giant deluxe suites ,also an outstanding design allow all cabins to enjoy the view with extra ordinary space in the surroundings of each , a large dining room and an impressive lounge- bar, a smart ship-manager and a qualified crew. On my last trip we had done the four-night itinerary on Prince Abbass and we all enjoyed it so much.

Prince Abbas

A professional Ship-Manager.Mr Naser.

Ship-Manager assistant.Mr Wael

Friendly crew

Our first visit was to kalabesha temples ,we sailed early morning, Tuesday to kalabesha site where we could reach three main temples. All of it were transferred miles northward to original location therefore The new kalabesha had become the nearest site to the high dam. It's main temple was saved by West-Germany between 1961-1963 as they dismantled the whole temple into 13000 blocks then assembled the whole temple in a new spot . Originally The current temple was built during the 18th dynasty which is around 1400 BC, as we can read some royal names belong to that dynasty such as the cartouche of Amenhotep ll, while the rest of the main temple dates back to the Greek and the Roman dynasty . The foundations of kalabesha dates back to the old kingdom which is around 2600 BC. The outer-gate or the pylon was most probably founded by Octavian Augustus as we can spot the emperors names in most of the sanctuary .The Hypostyle hall or the colonnade is famous of it's columns with their unique composite capitals which each of it is different with capital style. The temple was dedicated to large number of Egyptian gods who had been worshiped by both Egyptians and Nubians including god Merwel or Mandulis who was worshiped by Nubians of Egypt as the sun-god RA and in some other cases was associated with Horus .

Kalabesha Temple.

Kalabesha .The pillared Hall.

Isis and Merwel

Merwel.a matching Nubian god to Ra.

Temple of Kalabesha was a basic station for the Egyptians and the Non-Egyptians on their way to accomplish the pilgrimage to Isis temple at Philae then passing the other Egyptian temples such as Komombow and Edfu while heading to the holy-land of Abydus. Many of these pilgrims used to leave their foot-prints on these holy temples to sign to their visit, while some others used to incise their texts and some graffiti on these temples. Also early Copts or Christians of Egypt while Roman torture ,had sheltered in most of the deserted temples and tombs as we can see their marks on walls of Kalabesha as they converted some parts of the temple to a church.

A graffiti of a coptic saint on a horse.

A sanctuary for A coptic Church.Kalabesha.

Cave-Age Nubia.Gazelles and antelopes

Cave-Age Nubia.A pair of giraffes

The second temple at Kalabesha site is Bait El Wali Temple which is much older as it dates back to 1200 BC, the 19th dynasty, specifically to the reign of king Ramasess ll .The title of the temple is Arabic and means house of the saint which indicates to the fact that the Copts had been using it as a monastery for a long time as they incised their crosses on it's walls. On the gate of Bait El Wali we could see next to the titles of Ramasess ll , a praise to king Senusert l as being him the first conqueror to Nubia in 1900 BC.

A praise to king SenusertI "May the sun rise on his soul in the Orion"

King Ramasses is smashing an Asian fortress.

As it is so traditional to Ramasess ll , the temple of Bait El Wali represents all of victories of Egypt over the Hittites and the Nubians in general . Among the most interesting carvings some are found on walls of the ruined hall of pillars where you see the victorious pharaoh is smiting some of his enemies in their fort and on the opposite wall the pharaoh is depicted while receiving spoils of war from Nubian delegations. The rest of carvings are about offerings of gods and most of it are found in the inner part of the temple.

The chapel of Qertacy

Our third stop at Kalabesha was to view a Roman chapel known as chapel of Qertacy . This chapel which is around 2000 years old, has a lot of resemblance to what the Roman emperor Trojan built at Philae temple except the Hathoric columns which are special feature for Qertacy chapel . Then we passed the cancer tropic while sailing to Wadi EL Sebuaa.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Cruising Lake Nasser on board of Prince Abbas Part .C

Old Prince Abbas.

The rooming list of the first passangers on old Prince Abbas for Thomas cook.


Lounge bar

A royal suite

A cabin

We started our visit to Wadi El Sebuaa at morning of Wednesday. New Wadi El Sebuaa is a recent site, as the original was covered with lake Nasser . Wadi El Sebuaa has three main temples, the first and the main was built by king Ramasess ll and with many similarities to most of his temples as it shows all of his famous wars, in addition to the general offering scenes. The most outstanding feature for Wadi El Sebuaa is the avenue of sphinxes that bear the facial features of the pharaoh himself .The title of the temple had been inspired to locals from that avenue as it means the valley of lions .This temple is carved out of sandstone as most of the temples of the Nubian desert and also had been used later by the Copts who left their graffiti and their crosses . An interesting scene made on blaster found at the sanctuary, represents Saint Peter while being surrounded by the ancient carvings and the cartouche of king Ramasses ll.

Saint Peter with the cartouch of Ramasses II beside.

The avenue of sphinxes.

The Pylon of Dakka.

A damaged statue for Ramasses II it used to be a pair fronting the pylon.

Then we walked the distance between temple of Wadi El Sebuaa and our second temple here which is called the temple of Dakka. The recent title for this temple was created by the Nubians who used to live around and it meant "scorpion". The temple keeps it's unique pylon which is the highest ever you can find in this area of Egypt, the pylon, most probably was rebuilt by the Romans. The open-court is totally ruined while the interior is well preserved. The outermost hall was built by the early Greek dynasty while the inside halls and rooms were founded by a Nubian dynasty as we can read the cartouche of king Erkamen. The sanctuary was rebuilt by the Romans in so low standard. The temple was dedicated to goddess Tefenut and god Shu ,in addition to Merwel and different other gods. While our third temple for this morning was El Mohareq temple which was relocated by the Unesco next to Dakka. The temple was originally built by the Greek dynasty and dedicated to god Serapies ,then was restored by the Romans. The Title of the temple means "the burnt one" and may that refer to the war between the Romans and the Nubians where the second team burnt the temple. El Mohareq temple was our last visit at Wadi El Sebuaa . then we never missed the wonderful sunset at the hills of this nice area of Egypt. Then Prince Abbas contioued it's sailing towards Amada.

View Dakka Temple.

Cartouch of king Erkamun at Dakka.

God Shu and Goddess Tefnut at Dakka temple.

The Mouhareq temple.

A unique sunset

Art in ancient Egypt ! My T.V talk today! I hope you find it enjoyable!💙💙💙

Art in ancient Egypt ! My T.V talk today! I hope you find it enjoyable!