Saturday, May 26, 2007

Ancient Egypt, the oldest training wooden-sword

The Egyptian wooden-training sword of king Tutankhamun.

The Egyptian fighting-sword of king Tutankhamun.

Ancient Egypt had developed its martial art techniques to include a wooden training sword. Ancient Egyptians had invented the first Buken long time ago before China or Japan. The actual fighting -sword that had been used in Egypt had something to do with the scimitar swords meanwhile it doesn't fit to any of the well known scimitar types. As a matter of fact, the techniques of use relate to that Egyptian sword are still to be unknown. The Egyptian Museum has an interesting number of the wooden-training sword; the most famous in the whole collection are the wooden-training swords of king Tutankhamun which belong to the 18th dynasty which is around 1400 B.C. Copyrig ©Museumegypt. 2006.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

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Monday, May 21, 2007

NOUT, The Sky-goddess .

Nout is one of the most outstanding goddesses that are included by the Ennead of Heliopolis. The pantheon of gods which represents these nine members, was created in the Egyptian creeds since 4000 B.C at least. The Ennead consists of a supreme God who is Atum ,in addition to four main gods and their consorts. Geb, the Earth-god, Nout, the Sky-goddess, Shu, the Air- god and Tefnut, the Water-goddess were representing the main natural elements of the Egyptian cosmogony meanwhile, Atum or Ra was representing the positive energy, the sun, the light and the ultimate power of creation and everlasting. The title Nout in the Hieroglyphs includes the determinative for liquids or water which is pronounced Nu and has the shape of a pot. The hieroglyphic components of the name emphasize that Nout is the source of water which means that she is mother of the water-goddess Tefnout.
The myth describes goddess Nout to  have a shape of a woman with an elongated body that enables her to stretch to surround and reach earth ends with her tiptoes and fingers. Also the ancients believed that she swallows the sun at sun set then gives birth to it with next sun-rise so always the sun  will be reborn. Copyrig © 2006

Osiris, the one who has no second

Osiris is the most unique god that the Egyptian myth describes. Osiris who has a human origin had become a status that every being should get to it in order to reach the immortality or to be reborn. Book of the dead describes every dead to turn to Osiris even Ra the sun-god and the ultimate force of life is also getting to the Osiris status. Osiris who has no second is one of his titles which mean that he is the final transformation for the dead before the rebirth. Ra rests or stays in place or status of Osiris .Osiris stays in Ra, that what is text telling. This picture is from the tomb of queen Nefertari, Luxor city,1300 B.C. Copyrig © 2006.

Monday, May 14, 2007

ルクスル 神殿 で さいご の ばんさん

ルクスル 神殿 で さいご の ばんさん

今 から ルクスル 神殿 は 3500年 でした。 
18 王朝 の  有名 な 王様  アメンホトプ 三 世 ルクスル 神殿  の うちがわ を 建てました。でも, ぜんめん  の 神殿 は ラメセス 二世 の 19 王朝 が 建てました。ルクスル 神殿 の 一番 さいきん な 堀り出し物 は さいご の ばんさん の 場面 です。その 場面 は 一番 古く聖像 の ばんさん が あります。全体 に せいき で ルクスル 神殿 は  きょうかい に なりました。 

Thursday, May 03, 2007

イジプト の 敵国。A


テヘヌ の しゅぞく 

テメフ の しゅぞく

古代 イジプト で たくさん せんそう が おこりました。古代イジプト の 一番 古く せんそうは 
リビア 人 の しんりゃく、テメフ のしゅぞくと テヘヌ の しゅぞく でし。その しんりゃく は 凡そ  4000年 前 紀元前 、先王国時代 で おこりました。しんりゃく の あと は おおい リビア 人 ふりょ が いました。カイロ博物館 に リビア の テヘヌ の タブレット が あって。その タブレット の リリーフ は うしごや や ろば や やぎ が 見せる。リリーフ も オリブき と しゅぞく の つえ が 見 る。Copyrig © 2006     

Art in ancient Egypt ! My T.V talk today! I hope you find it enjoyable!💙💙💙

Art in ancient Egypt ! My T.V talk today! I hope you find it enjoyable!