Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Know more about ancient Egypt!

Know more about ancient Egypt!

“IBYAT” or the prayer mantis in ancient Egyptian Book Of The Dead. The prayer-mantis god, Ibyat who would assist the deceased by protecting and leading him to Osiris Island which is according to book of the dead it must play the role of a guide or conductor for the dead. Once looking at a scientific reason for getting it deified we discover his great ability to sensor danger using his sensory receptors which are located in his thoracic cavity. The prayer mantis sensory receptors are so sensitive to all low frequency waves of ultrasound such of bats ultrasonic waves and that allow the mantis to detect it then escape simply by landing in a right angle. That could be the reason  behind deifying it by the ancient Egyptian first then later by a lot of ancient African cultures. Art and information written by Yasser kamel for Museumegypt.2006.Copyright@Museumegypt.2006.All rights reserved.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Crocodile Museum in Komombo

The Crocodile Museum in Komombo

It is opened since January-2012 and has a modern display style with sufficient light.
The Crocodile museum has about forty mummified crocodile that vary in date which is between (1200   -1400)B.C in addition to a collection of stelae and statues of the crocodile god . The Crocodile god “Sobek) was the national god of Komombo who was worshiped  in Komombo temple. Naturally the crocodile was to breed in Komombo Nile where it has a small bay with weak streams. 

アスワン の 有名 な 植物園


               アスワン の 有名 な 植物園                   
アスワン の しょくぶつえん に 30000ぼん の 色々 な やさい物。
全体 に いろいろ な 花 が ある、たとえば 金盞花゛きんせんか゛や
            菊の花           ゛きくの花゛や      菊の花           ゛きくの花゛や      朝顔    ゛あさがお゛や ポインセチアの花 も などが あります。

Art in ancient Egypt ! My T.V talk today! I hope you find it enjoyable!💙💙💙

Art in ancient Egypt ! My T.V talk today! I hope you find it enjoyable!