Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Photo by Ian Cashmore

This carving is found at the sanctuary of Kalabesha temple and represents goddess Hathor while transformed to a lioness. This is a part of the ancient legend of mankind destruction ,once the mankind showed no obedience and respect to their god Ra and stopped praying to him as they dared to mock at Ra describing him to be old and criticizing his senility so the god decided to bearish the human race and to turn their life to misery and sorrow so he kept Hathor away from their life so they missed the joy ,happiness , fun and love then he mutated her to an ugly lioness that was left free to punish and to curse their whole life so they had grief in stead of happiness poverty instead of prosperity and that was for long time until almost the human race was about to vanish ,then the god had felt mercy and stopped that curse.

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Art in ancient Egypt ! My T.V talk today! I hope you find it enjoyable!๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™

Art in ancient Egypt ! My T.V talk today! I hope you find it enjoyable!