Sunday, July 17, 2011

Know more about Egypt!

Painted by Yasser Kamel.

Know more about Egypt! Once more, the Basenji dog which was the authentic barkless-hunting dog for the ancient Egyptians. Surprisingly was used in the red fox-hunt by the ancient Egyptian Nobles once the red fox was indigenous and before to become extinct. The amazing fact here is to realize that the ancient Egyptians started that sport before Europeans. The scene above is from tomb of Prince Nefer-Maat , son of king Sneferu , the unique scene goes back to the fourth dynasty which is about 2600 B.C. Information and Art by Yasser Kamel for Museumegypt2006.All rights are reserved.

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Art in ancient Egypt ! My T.V talk today! I hope you find it enjoyable!๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™

Art in ancient Egypt ! My T.V talk today! I hope you find it enjoyable!