Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ancient Egypt, Martial Arts. E

F-1. A scene represents one of the throwing techniques, Nage-Waza 投げ技 in ancient Egypt.

There is a lot of evidence on the authenticity   of the martial art in ancient Egypt as it goes back to much earlier time than the Old-kingdom period.
The scene above comes from Beni Hassan tombs and represents a practice for one of the throwing techniques of martial arts. The throwing techniques or the Nage-Waza 投げ技 are almost practiced by all modern martial arts after ancient Egypt. The scene “F-1” shows two players while practicing a throwing technique , player. A is attacked by player. B as B seems to aim to punch A but A tilts with his body to the left side in order to miss the punch, meanwhile he steps backward with his right foot. The scene shows player A while grasping with right hand player B’s waist and with left hand B’s foot in order to throw him down.

F-2.   The presumed stances for A and B players before beginning the throwing.

The throwing technique which is described above depends much on the opponent  rushing body force and how to take advantage of it which we can boldly trace in modern martial arts such the Aikido” Information and Painting by Yasser Kamel for Museumegypt.2006. Aikido practitioner Copyright@museumegypt.

Monday, September 26, 2011

ホーラス神 は 一 番 古くりょうし

ホーラス神 の すはい は 先王国 時代 から 3500 年 紀元前 です。 古代 イジポト かみがみ は ホーラス神 は かんぜん な りょうし です。   ホーラス神 は 隼は でした。隼神 に 古代 イジポト 人 は しゅりょう ならいました。かれ は  一 番 古くりょうし ですから。

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ancient Egypt , Martial Arts. D

F-1. A martial art scene represents the throwing technique, tomb of Vizier Ptah-Hotep , Sakkara.

A unique scene” F-1 of Young Noblemen while practicing the throwing technique, it goes back to the fifth dynasty which is around 25.00 BC. The ancient Egyptians had known in their martial arts the throwing technique which is now to exist in modern styles of martial arts. For example the Egyptian throwing style can be traced in both of the Japanese martial arts and the Chinese which is recognized as  投げ技 ”The Nage Waza” or the throwing style.  

F-2.呼吸 投げ技こきゅう なげわざ”Kokyuo-Nage waza!

呼吸 投げ技こきゅう なげわざ  Kokyuo-Nage waza! The Breathing-Throwing technique is a fascinating Aikido technique uses the breathing energy for causing a sudden unbalance for the opponent body then, throwing him down.
By Yasser Kamel” Aikido practitioner
“ for Museumegypt, All rights reserved. Copyright©Museumegypt. 


Friday, September 16, 2011

Ancient Egypt, Martial Arts. C

The amazing knowledge of the human body’s anatomy in ancient Egypt, which is clearly observed in almost all the ancient carvings, had a great influence on developing the Martial arts. That special knowledge enabled them to discover the pressure points in the human body as well as the center point which controls the balance for the warrior’s body.
F-1. A scene from tomb of Amenmhat, one of Beni Hassan tombs which exceed 3000 years old.It represents 落とし すみ おとし “Sumi Otoshi” technique.

The scene above came from the group of the wrestling scenes of Beni Hassan and it matches the well known Aikido Martial art technique “ Sumi Otoshi” 隅 落とし” すみ おとし which means the corner drop as fighter A counterattacks fighter B by striking down his elbow and his forearm at once which must synchronize with fighter A foot work as fighter A must step with his right foot forward into the left side of fighter B aiming at breaking his balance and dropping him to his body’s corner.
F-2. The Aikido technique of Sumi Otoshi.

F-2 shows fighter A while performing the Sumi Otoshi technique on fighter B by using fighter B force of attack and shifting it in order unbalance him, meanwhile pushing his right arm downwards.
By Yasser Kamel” Aikido practitioner
“ for Museumegypt, All rights reserved. Copyrigt©Museumegypt. 

Art in ancient Egypt ! My T.V talk today! I hope you find it enjoyable!💙💙💙

Art in ancient Egypt ! My T.V talk today! I hope you find it enjoyable!