Thursday, February 15, 2007

Cairo Museum, Oedipus and The Sphinx Riddle

Cairo Museum has an interesting collection of Greco-Roman artifacts includes a masterpiece of fresco that represents the legend of Oedipus. This fresco dates back to second century A.D, the Roman Dynasty. The fresco views, from the right, Oedipus the young heir of the kingdom of Corinth while killing Laius the king of Thebes in Greece. Originally the myth describes him to be the child of king Laius and queen Jocasta of Thebes who had an oracle predicted that they shall have a cursed son who will kill his father and marries his mother and once they believed in it they pierced his feet and tied it then left him in the wilderness alone to die. Oedipus fate was determined by Agonus goddess of Agony who is seen to the left side of him just standing to watch. Then the fresco shows the sphinx as a monster that Oedipus had to face, then the myth tells that Oedipus was asked by the sphinx about a creature can walk at sunrise on four the can walk on two at noon time then walk on three by sunset, Oedipus was smart enough to solve this riddle and next to that the fresco shows Oedipus while being married to the widow Jocasta then to the left it views him piercing his eyes once he found out that he killed his father and got married to his mother. The name Oedipus in the Greek language means the swollen feet that is due to the way they tied his feet once he was a baby.
Copyrig © 2006.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

一 番 古るく フーク や ナイフ や スプノ 

カイロ の 博物館 に 一 番 古るく フーク や ナイフ や スプノ が あります。その セット は 全体 は 象牙 で つくられまし。先王国 の 時代 に 凡そ 3500 年 紀元前 は いろいろ な 食べ物 の セット が 発見されました。5500 年 から、古代 イジプト 人 は  フーク や ナイイフ や スプノ を つかいました。
Copyrig © 2006.  

Monday, February 05, 2007


Photo By Julie Rusby

This photo was taken inside the temple of Amun - Ra which is called the Karnak. it shows the interior of the temple of king Ramasess III ,11000 BC which is dedicated to god Amun-Ra and his triad and also has the war reliefs which represent victories of the pharaoh against his foes. In fact the karnak temple has 14 smaller temples inside.

The British Museum, A falcon-headed fish

A very rare mummy case for a mummified fish about 3ooo years old, this wooden mummy case has the face of the falcon god Horus with a body of a Nile perch .Ancient Egyptians mummified their animals since their archaic history specially the divine ones, the fish, generally, was a holy creature and as been mentioned in the myth of Osiris that his own body after been dismembered his pieces were thrown into the river and were eaten by the Nile perch and by the Elephant-snout fish. Then the fish cult had existed in
some provinces such as at Ta-Sna or Esna. Fish coffins had taken the classical forms such as the one type shown in the photo.
Copyrig © 2006.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The British Museum, The Votive Stele of Seneb

Out of the ancient Egyptian holy land at Abydos and the holy site for Osiris which is called Bu-Sier a countless amount of votive Stelae were collected. Stele of Seneb at the British Museum is a good example of the funeral stelae which are between 1500-1200 B.C. Generally, the votive stelae should start with the HOTEP-DI-NISU spell, to invocate the underworld patron gods. The text on Seneb stele mentions " May the king become happy*kind* to give, May Osiris lord of JEDDU be happy to give him thousands of offerings from House of offerings, jars of wine and peer , cattle and poultry, everyday for the well purified, the living god in his KA * double* and his REN* name* Seneb.
Copyrig © 2006.

Art in ancient Egypt ! My T.V talk today! I hope you find it enjoyable!💙💙💙

Art in ancient Egypt ! My T.V talk today! I hope you find it enjoyable!