Saturday, August 19, 2006

Komombow's surgical tablet

Ancient Egypt had medicine since its archaic history and they practiced surgery since 3000 B C. Besides the finds of the ancient surgical instruments, we still count Komombow's surgical tablet to be the most fascinating. It shows all instruments that any expert still to use, forceps ,spatulae , hooks ,pinchers ,spoons, needles ,saws ,pipes ,Air cups, sensitive scales and birthing chairs. This carving is more than 2000 years old.

Friday, August 18, 2006


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Komombow's calendar .A

This carving is among the most famous carvings that are found at the temple of komombow.
It was made by the ancient Egyptians around 2000 years ago. It represents the annual diary or the agenda for use of priests and priestesses of Komombow, in order to organize the service and the rituals of the local feminine goddesses; the use of it is so limited to this temple.

This carving is divided into three panels ,the first describes the date and the month, the second details the type of service presented, while the third is about the local gods consorts .It is read from the right counts "day which is a sun disc ,23rd ,10 is like an inverted U letter till 28th then 29th is different as 9 is a sun disc with a dash in it's center while 30th day is given a determinative character in the form of an animal tail to the emphasize the end of the month". Then starts over again reporting a new month which the third one of the flood season which is four month in total, reads the 3rd month flood, 1st day then the counting go in a normal order as you can follow.

Seker-Bet. Consort of Seker ,God of graveyards


Webwawutt , the consort of Webwawut. underworld God

Komombow's calendar.B

Usert. Goddess of power

The 26th day

The 27th day

The 28th day

The 29th day

The 30th day.the last day.

The third month,flood season.first day

Sunday, August 13, 2006


 黄金虫 は ユーカリ の 木の葉 を 食べます。


  黄金虫 の かんおけ 
黄金虫 の せっかん、カイロ の 博物館。
Copyrig © 2006.

Saturday, August 12, 2006



 古代 イジプト人 は 玉虫 と 黄金虫゛こがねむし゛ も 礼拝しました。古代 イジプト の 神話 に その  虫 は うまれかわり 事 と 転生 てんせい 事 も 合わされていました。先古国 時代 に イジプト の 神官 は 虫 の   変化 と てんせいこと に おなじ と お思いました。しょみんてき、 玉虫 と 黄金虫 は 完全な  せいかつかん が 持ちます。こうちゅ は 何時も 産卵 ゛さんらん゛を して、あとで、卵 から仔虫 出る。あとで、仔虫 は 繭 を おり ,仔虫は繭 の 中、ついでに 蛹 が なります。スカラブ 神様 象刑文字 で ケビル です。

玉虫 と 黄金虫 は 完全 な  せいかつかん が 持ちます。

玉虫、 古代 イジプト から 中国 と 日本国 まで です。

Copyrig © 2006.          

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

London mathematical papyrus"The Rhind"

A triangle with matching angles makes a shape with two equal triangular sides, this shape may have a right angle diameter while a shape with four matching sides may have two cross- diameters each is right angle.

A four sided shape ,once it gets divided equally it makes two matching angles then that shape turns to be a six sided one with two other matching angles creating two triangular with equal angles at the bases.

As for a circle, it can turn to a triangular once it gets divided into equal sides. But never the diameter's angles be sharp" or once it becomes sharp never creates a triangular shape" but once it has equal sides it can be making two triangular.
• This Translation is done by the publisher from the ancient Hieratic to English*

This is a replica to t he original mathematical papyrus called the" Rhind "I painted it on a sheet of modern papyrus. The original is a great masterpiece kept in the British museum and known as London mathematical papyrus. The Rend papyrus dates back to the middle kingdom around 1900 BC .It was used by a master mathematician to teach his students in the scribe schools which were often founded by the temples of ancient Egypt. The Rend papyrus covers 87 mathematical issues relate to triangle, circles, squares, trapezoids and so on. The papyrus is much older than any Greek or Roman knowledge about this subject.
Copyrig © 2006.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

A scene from book of the dead.Tomb of Senjem 1300 BC, Tombs of the Artisans at west bank of luxor.

The holy scarab of Egypt "The scarabaeus sacer" is often shown in the book of the dead as a self- created god.

Out of the great Kheper's mouth he becomes" makes its self " a mummy
Copyrig © 2006.

Friday, August 04, 2006


This is the oldest stone beetle been ever made and found, this one is kept at Cairo museum .It dates back to the predynastic end or the early archaic Egypt which is around 3500 B.C. The beetle represents the species of iridescent metallic Buperstidae which ancient Egyptians had admired its fantastic colours and its metamorphosis.

T.opulenta,Buperstidae . An original specimen collected by Hopping ca. 1906.
Photo: Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University.
Copyrig © 2006.
The most fascinating amulets in ancient Egypt were often to represent insects, among them a golden amulet from the collection of king pasunnes I at Cairo museum, which dates back to the 21dynasty around 1000 B.C. This amulet represents a scarab beetle with adjoined wings from a different beetle. That beetle is from the Buperstidae family.

Copyrig © 2006.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

王立  ミイラ 

古代 イジプト の ミイラ は 一番 の 古い です。大英博物館 に 一番  古代 ミイラ が あります。その ミイラ は ジンジャル と 言い です。 カイロ博物館 に ジュオサル 王様 の ミイラ の いたい は一番古 おうりつ の  ミイラ でしたね。その ミイラ は 今空、5千 年 凡そ です。でも、一番 有名い な ミイラ は ラメセス 2世 の です。その ミイラ は 髪 やくぎ や 歯 まだ あって、じょうせい は 完全 です。ラメセス 2世 は 1300紀元前、第19王朝 に 支配しました。カイロ博物館 は、ミイラ の ルーム に もっとも 古いミイラ が あって、たとえば、セクネンラ おうさま、第 17王朝、1500紀元前 凡そ です。彼 は ヒクス―ス の せんそ に ししょうしゃ が 也 ました。

Copyrig © 2006.

Art in ancient Egypt ! My T.V talk today! I hope you find it enjoyable!💙💙💙

Art in ancient Egypt ! My T.V talk today! I hope you find it enjoyable!