The Solar Boat of Cheops

The original rowlock.
The Journey into the Sun, the Solar Boats of Ra.
The most ancient dream for mankind was the everlasting and so was it for the ancient Egyptians. Since the beginning of the Egyptian ancient cultures the search for the eternity never had stopped, the worship of the Sun-God Ra had been the initiation for the settle. Ra was the main creator god and force that had vanquished the dark, the chaos and the time. His journey into eternity was represented by his death or disappearance and his rebirth by his rise from death. The Egyptian myths describe the king to the mortal reincarnation of Ra and in post mortem melts in the sun. The world heritage of antiquates was enriched in the year 1954 by the discovery of the first solar boat. The discovery of the solar boats at Giza was the most stunning event for the archaeological organizations mere luck helped to establish that discovery. The first Ark was discovered in a deep ditch to the south of the great pyramid of Cheops, the ditch contained a dismantled ship of cedar wood. The Egyptian archaeological team had faced a puzzle once they managed to extract it, the countless cedar fragments “around 1200 peace” that represent the whole ark. Surprisingly. The condition of the ship was as perfect as 95 % included its original ropes. The first assumption on the ship main function was suggested to be used for loading and transferring the royal funeral belongings, that thought was abandoned once the boat’s anatomy was examined by the experts. Meanwhile working on assembling the ancient ark by Ahmed yousif and his team four other ditches were discovered around the great pyramid. Two of the ditches were found loaded with similar cedar piles of fragments that represent two more ships while the other two ditches were found empty. Book of the dead describes Ra full journey to be completed by the use of great arks, so according to that reference the idea of the symbolism of the ship had projected. The first ship was restored and assembled in almost ten years the restorers they took advantage of the ancient hieratic signs that were incised by the original builders in order to reassemble it. The solar boat of Cheops is the most gigantic ship that the ancient world had created as it is 54.5 meters long and dates back to the fourth dynasty which is about 2500 B.C. Copyrig ©Musegypt. 2006
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